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Patty Roth's Recent Galleries

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14-Jun-2011 00:17
Myanmar - Burma
:: Myanmar - Burma ::
30-Oct-2010 23:47
Amish Country # 2
:: Amish Country # 2 ::
21-Sep-2010 18:20
Venice Beach
:: Venice Beach ::
31-May-2010 02:03
:: INDIA ::
04-Oct-2009 04:36
Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons
:: Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons ::
08-Jun-2009 23:35
Jordan, Petra
:: Jordan, Petra ::
08-Jun-2009 23:33
:: Israel ::
08-Jun-2009 22:58
Jerusalem, Israel
:: Jerusalem, Israel ::
08-Jun-2009 21:03
Jerash, Jordan
:: Jerash, Jordan ::
08-Jun-2009 20:41
Israel of Old
:: Israel of Old ::
23-Mar-2009 03:49
Louis Uridel at the Pier
:: Louis Uridel at the Pier ::
17-Mar-2009 20:51
Louis Uridel at Balboa Park
:: Louis Uridel at Balboa Park ::