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Ken Zaret | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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sand_shadow09-Mar-2025 22:52
I couldn't choose just one of your fabulous galleries on which to comment. Your galleries are treasure troves of images!
Guest 25-Nov-2024 23:28
Birds are inrediblejust beautiful cz
Guest 16-Feb-2021 22:29
Thank you for sharing your look at the world. The explanations are appreciated. Fantastic shots!
Emily Klotz 15-Dec-2018 21:00
Ken - your photos are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing
Diane Brannon18-Jun-2017 19:08
I am envious of all the great places your photography as taken you. You have quite an eclectic collection of wonderful images to share with others how awesome our world is.
Art Landy 09-Jan-2017 02:16
Ken, cannot believe all these years I didn't know you were such a dedicated and talented photographer. Your photography is as good as your science... and that is a big big compliment.
Marcia Rules04-May-2013 00:26
great work with a keen eye for what matters! Glad to know you and I look forward to many exchanges...marcia
Jarek M30-Mar-2012 05:45
Hi Ken,

Thanks for visiting and your comments.

Guest 13-Jan-2012 03:54
I really enjoyed your abstract works!
annie 23-Nov-2011 03:56
I am awe-struck, Ken. Really beautiful work.
Jim 20-Nov-2011 19:24
Hey, Ken, great stuff!
Jim 20-Nov-2011 19:23
Hey, Ken, great stuff!
Guest 14-Nov-2009 01:42
Hi Ken,

Thanks for taking the time to check out my galleries and leave me many kind and considered comments in the past. I have not been very active on Pbase for some time, so didn't read them in a timely fashion. But I really appreciate hearing the feedback and I wish you great voyage in your own photographic journeys!

Guest 31-Oct-2009 01:23
I look on your picture and... I dream about travel. You give me the little "push" to go out with my camera and try to do only half of your work. Congratulations.

(English is a second language for me. Sorry if I am not clear)
Gundosghl 11-Oct-2009 04:02
Aloha! uxl
Guest 21-Sep-2009 12:31
Thanks so much for viewing my gallery & leaving a comment. Your work is beautiful - very crisp and clean. Very well executed. :) Sharon
Susan Bostian 05-Sep-2009 07:43
Hi Ken, I just happened to stumble onto your breathtaking body of work. I had no idea that you were such a talented and accomplished artist. Your pictures are brimming with beauty and wonder. Many of your photos were taken at some of my favorite places in the world. After seeing your pictures I think I understand even more why I love those places. Your work is just magical. Thank you.
Markus Grompe09-Mar-2009 18:57
you're getting close to the big 500K. Where are all those hits coming from? Which galleries are the most popular?
Guest 29-Dec-2008 02:33
A joy to view your works. I can only hope to achieve this type of quality and content in time.
William Von Gonten08-Sep-2008 00:40
Thanks for the comment. Looks like I have some pretty tough competition this week. Your abstractions are incredible and shows you are a thinking individual. Keep up the good work!
Diens12-Jul-2008 07:19
Keep up the fantastic work.
MIchele Aucoin 03-Jul-2008 23:41
Hi Ken,

I just stumbled upon your gallery and your images are AMAZING! Hope all is well and continued success with your photography.

Michele from RI

Greg Little27-Jun-2008 20:13
Hi Ken, Thanks for the nice comments in my galleries. I like some of your recent additions. ...and a look back through some of your others. I'll be back.

Thanks again,

Treas01-Mar-2008 17:29
Ken, I appreciate your photography and your humor! :o)
Bud Hensley13-Feb-2008 13:52
Hi Ken! I thoroughly enjoyed your galleries... what a fantastic variety of images! I've been doing the dslr thing for about a year now and have gradually become more comfortable with my composition skills and shot selection. Your galleries are a great example of the skill-set I'm trying to achieve. Thanks for your comments on my collection!

Take care,

Henry Balingcongan20-Dec-2007 22:39
Ken, Thanks for the positive feed back on some of my work. It takes one to know one. Your work is wonderful most with a story to tell. thank you for sharing.

Treas30-Nov-2007 17:07
Ken I loved your contest subject! As I mentioned I did not enter a photo. I am new at this and I was a little perplexed by the subject. Viewing the submitted photos I really learned a lot. Right now is a very busy time at work for me and I am dieing to get out and experiment with this subject. If I weren’t the owner of the business I’d call in sick. Ahh, but no one to call, pity me.

Thanks again,
Guest 14-Sep-2007 05:26
Ken, thanks for commenting on my Indian faces.
Markus Grompe11-Aug-2007 00:34
congrats on your 3rd place in the cultures competition...
Jean-Luc Elias10-Jul-2007 06:24
Thanks for the comments on my pictures.
You have a remarceble collection of your own. A lot of various subjects, just like I do. You see a lot of beauty around you, always searching ...

Kind regards,Jean-Luc
Greg Little01-May-2007 08:59
Ken, thanks for the nice comments in my galleries. You've got a great eye for composition. I particularly liked you're street shots. Well done.
Guest 28-Apr-2007 22:19
Thanks for your comments Ken I really appreciate the feedback. Also, really enjoyed browsing your galleries. You have some wonderful images.
Robert Ford18-Apr-2007 02:44
Hello Ken,Thanks for stoping by our galleries and your encouraging comments. The joy is in being able to share that exact moment in time with someone else and for that instant,they are there also. Enjoy Life and Document!! Lisa&Ford.
Marco Jansen07-Apr-2007 16:36
Thanks for visiting my gallery u got a great inspiring collection
Guest 05-Apr-2007 05:48
Thanks for your kind comments and congrats for your wonderfull compositions. Keep sharing.
Markus Grompe01-Mar-2007 15:44

you've almost caught me... You have 155,000 hits on your galleries. I have 156,000. Next week you'll be ahead... Yikes!
Guest 22-Feb-2007 18:35
Ken, thanks for your comments. Actually there is nothing to show about a pinhole on any camera. You put a small hole through the body cap of the camera (the cap you put on when no lens is attached) then you prick a hole the size of the tip of a pin through a piece of very thin brass or foil, file off any burrs,tape the brass on the back of the lens cap, with the hole centered. Now you put it on the camera and you have a very undistinquished looking camera that takes pinhole images, usually blurred. People don't even know you're taking photos.

Guest 11-Feb-2007 07:03
Thanks for yoru comment on my Vernal Falls shot. Your galleries have a vibrancy to them I really enjoy
Ernst van Loon04-Feb-2007 10:17
Thanks for your comments on my galleries. I especialy appreciate the critical ones, because these are not so common around Pbase!

I enjoyed your Paris galleries, your B+W shots are excellent but I think my favourite are the architectural abstracts. Very well done.

Regards, Ernst
Guest 04-Feb-2007 07:11
Thank you very much for your comment. Beautiful galleries! Regards, Paula
Markus Grompe30-Jan-2007 22:25
you should put your paris baker into the portrait competition...
Guest 09-Jan-2007 23:27
Ken, thank you so much for commenting on my galleries.
Your travel images are fantastic. I really appreciate
the detail shots. Something I always seem to be lacking.
Too many broad, wide angle landscapes. The diversity in
your galleries keep the viewer interested. Keep up the
great work. Look forward to seeing more.
Greg Little11-Dec-2006 21:41

Thanks for the nice comments on my monochrome gallery. You have some great stuff yourself. Very nice.

Greg 10-Nov-2006 07:20
Very good site. Thanks!!!
Marco Jansen30-Oct-2006 11:11
U have a great photo gallery!!
thanks for the comment and visit on my gallery.

Marco 13-Oct-2006 15:56
Nice site. Thank you:-)
Ken Zaret05-Sep-2006 14:19
The images were captured in B&W. I found it was much better to think in B/W when capturing, rather than convert later.
George Yeoh 24-Aug-2006 00:58
Wow. I have not ever considered B&W images of scenery. Were images catured in B&W mode or converted?
Markus Grompe09-Aug-2006 23:04
When are we going to see the Paris pictures????
Guest 24-Apr-2006 01:45
Ken, thanks for your comments in my gallery. It gave me a chance to see your very nice work. Your Autumnal Fluorescence gallery (as well as many others) is very nice with nice depth of colour. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 08-Apr-2006 23:04
Ken I really liked your work. If I may give you some constructive feedback, I suggest that you try to give more "power" to some pictures, mainly through composition.
For example, Venice at night 040 for me is very "powerful" whereas Venice at night 030 is too symmetric, a bit "flat" if you will.
Let me know if you agree! (and feedback on my work is appreciated too! :)
Regards Luigi
F Rim17-Mar-2006 02:14
I enjoyed your galleries, there were many, many excellent images. The B&W NYC was beautifully done, must have been a very clear smog free day. Saw some wonderful reflections (54258619) and landscapes (California, Colo & Wellfleet), that is not to say the rest are not remarkable.

I like the diversity of your work and your uncluttered galleries. 15-Mar-2006 08:10
online directory main
Guest 14-Mar-2006 19:42
Hi Ken,

Thanks for dropping by,I have enjoyed your galleries keep it up.

Regards John
Guest 14-Feb-2006 13:26
Hi Ken,

Your photographs are beautiful. Do you ever photograph people and celebrations for money or trade? I look foward to finding out.
John Hastings09-Jan-2006 18:50
Thanks for posting these imaginatively captured and thoughtfully presented galleries. It was a real pleasure to visit.
Guest 28-Oct-2005 16:04
sweet ..ah you miss it already? love your pics... will be back to visit..
Guest 21-Oct-2005 14:10
Hi Ken,

I've had a browse through your gallery, I think you have the willingness to experiement, eagerness to learn from others and the passion for this artform. But I can tell you need to learn a couple of lessons. First and foremost, composition! Try to develop an eye for pictures. Remember the camera sees things differently to our eyes. I suggest you get a few books on it and take pictures in B&W exclusively for a few months. The second thing you'll need to learn is how to post process your pictures better.

Most cameras tend to produce soft pictures straight out of the cameras, hence giving the photographer the flexibility to add sharpness as they desire. I recommend you look into the technique of postprocessing. Trust me, the difference is like night and day.

Drop me a line if you like to discuss this further. Both my email and guestbook are on my gallery.


Guest 29-Jun-2005 14:22

nice homepage you've got!
keep up the good work

Markus Grompe02-Apr-2005 23:12
hey, time to post some new pictures...
Peter 09-Feb-2005 02:52
I think the most interesting shots are the fractals. I also enjoyed lunch.
Markus Grompe27-Dec-2004 21:43
Hi Ken,

I'm glad you joined the PBase club.... Good job with the fire and ocean fractals galleries... You appear to have an affinity for the abstract...
