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Profile for Gar Cropser
Name Gar Cropser (joined 19-Jun-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username gcropser
Personal URL
Location United States
United States
View Galleries : Gar Cropser has 31 galleries and 1057 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1108107 times.

View Guestbook : 45 messages. Most recent on 20-Nov-2014.

Message from Gar Cropser
My wife, Geraldine, and I literally met on a sand dune at dawn in Death Valley National Park, a place where neither of us would have ever imagined meeting our future spouse.  To this day, the debate still continues as to whom made the first move.   I distinctly remember her doing so, but Geraldine recalls otherwise. 

We met in 1985 while attending a photographic workshop in Death Valley. Before this time, we had both pursued our passion for photography individually.  While I honed my photographic skills through attending a variety of photo workshops and courses, Geraldine developed her talent primarily  through her world travels. 

Our individual photographic styles and visions very much complement each other's.  I'm attracted to the grand landscape, and the challenge of capturing vivid images in difficult lighting situations, while Geraldine, who also enjoys photographing  landscapes,  loves to photograph people enjoying the outdoors and close-up photography. 

Professionally, I worked  as a career counselor for the University of Southern California and University of California, Irvine.  Several years ago, I retired to promote our photography full time.  Likewise, Geraldine also pursued a career in education, focusing her talents toward primary education as a deaf education instructor, sixth-grade teacher, and a speech and language pathologist. 

Our careers in education have afforded us the opportunity to travel extensively  throughout the West to capture a vast array of photographs. We look forward to future opportunities to explore and photograph new regions of our nation's spectacular scenery.

As a photographic team, we feel we bring a combination of colorful images pleasing to the eye, and a technical mastery of capturing low light exposures. We hope you enjoy our images as much as we did creating them.

All of the images in our galleries are available for purchase. Please send us an email message to for additional details.

We sincerely appreciate your visiting our Pbase galleries. We also encourage you to visit our web site at

Thank You,

Gar & Geraldine Cropser

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